I am first and most importantly a mom to 2 amazing children who I might add have been my constant driving force for my photography and all that I do in my life.  It all started when I was just a mom with a camera when they were born 7 years ago and all I can say now is that I truly have found my passion, developed my passion and studied my passion to what I am today, A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAHER!  I get to do what I love everyday, what inspires me beyond words and what I feel is my gift to the world; to be able to actually give another person amazing pictures to hang on their wall, to walk by everyday in their home, to look at and smile and to hold onto for the rest of their lives and that is so powerful more than any words I can tell you!

I am blessed to be a mother and a wife.

I have the biggest LOVE  for popcorn that you can imagine, if I had to choose one food that I could eat for the rest of my life, that would be it.

My faith is paramount.

I  have a sweet puppy named Cupcake Sprinkles that was a gift Santa delivered under the tree (the best surprise I ever pulled off) for our 2 kids Christmas 2009.

I have been creative ever since I can remember making chocolates, soaps, candles, scrap booking, homemade paper & cards….it will never end and I love it.

I am very much a perfectionist!

I grew up  in Iowa on a gravel road in the middle of corn fields, was free as a bird to ride my bike everywhere and play in the dirt until sunset!

I am always thinking, dreaming and have a million things rolling through my head all day, thank goodness for paper, pen and my endless lists.

I was a great track star back in High School, running in state meets and looking back now realizing how much sports and teamwork helps to mold you into who you will become.

I love my Mother & Father & Sister to pieces and wish I could see them more.

I am a true believer in karma!

I am very strong willed and stubborn (Taurus) but my heart always knows the right way.

I use to be a real Cosmetologist, but now just the free family ”hair-cutter”.

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I love jeans and cute girly summer dresses.

I work hard at being the best person that I can be and put my trust & faith in God everyday of my life.

I have a weakness for red wine.

My  house is usually spotless, my cupboards & closets are not.

I know that time is moving so quickly especially now that I have children & get a pit in my stomach thinking of the day they will be all grown up.

I try to cherish everyday because you really don’t know when it will be the last.

I have a love for skittles, I love to suck them until all I have left is the chewy center. (the same with M&M’s!)

I sometimes worry too much about the things I cannot change and wonder about what the future will hold.

I am a true girly-girl but a tomboy at heart ( I’m from Iowa remember! )

I love feeling the wind on my face and the smell of fresh mowed grass and rain.

I dream one day of traveling backpack style across the world and of course photographing my journey.

I often wish I could freeze time so my kids would be the way they are now forever, 7 & 9 years old are the BEST ages!

If I could have one wish before I join God in Heaven it would be to try and grow old gracefully as I can and to see my children grow up happy, healthy, lead full meaningful lives, have jobs they like, find soul mates and get to be a parent one day of amazing children like they are. (sorry, I had more than one wish:)

I want to be the best photographer that I can be and work hard at it every single day.

I have realized their is no growth in life or who you are without failure.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would have not a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.”   Erma Bombeck 

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